Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sailing and our first week of schooling

We began school this week, just like public schoolers. We got off to a great start! The kids have all new curriculum this year and we've already begun our unit for the fall; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Since I began the Master Recyclers program at the beginning of September, we all though it'd be great to bring the kids along on my journey to know more about waste, consumption and recycling. We'll also be discussing global warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect. So far, the kids are extremely intrigued and really excited about some of the field trips we're planning for this unit.
On Monday the kids, Nik and I went sailing with our friend Ike. Unbeknownst to me, it was not only a wonderful ride, it was a great way to open the conversation on waste. We put in at Meldrum Bar and traversed our way to Ross Island. Along the way we encountered floating beer cans, plastic bottles and bags as well as some pretty foul smelling river banks. The rape of Ross Island was enough to make quiet any argument the boys may have had about steering the boat. Unfortunately there was little wind and we ended up puttering up and down powered by the little gas motor. All in all, a wonderful first week of school!

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